Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Want to Get Really Motivated? See the BIG Picture
Okay, you’ve got a great idea for a small business or home-based business, but for some reason, you just can’t seem to take the first step.
Or maybe you’ve started, but you lose steam. Something always comes up and you stop putting time into your business.
This doesn’t have to happen to you.
One of the reasons that people have trouble getting and staying motivated is that they haven’t created a really compelling image of what they want to achieve.
Neuro Linguistic Programming, better known as NLP, is a series of techniques based on the relationship between the brain and language. It offers many techniques for programming yourself to do just about anything, including having unstoppable motivation.
Try this yourself.
Close your eyes and think about that small business or home business you want to start or build. What does the image look like? What do you hear and feel?
Chances are, the image is far away, perhaps small, with dull, indistinct colors. Maybe it’s even kind of dim. There probably aren’t any sounds or emotions associated with it.
Who could get motivated when your goal seems far away, and not really all that exciting?
What you need to do is make the image big and bright. BRING IT UP CLOSE AND BIG, as though you’re sitting in the front seat of a movie theater.
Now add some sound. How about a song that really inspires you? Or the praise of the important people in your life. Or both?
Next imagine how it will feel when you reach your goal and hear that praise. Pretend you already have the rewards of success.
Feels good, doesn’t it?
If it doesn’t, adjust the picture and the sound. Create an even more exciting image. Make it brighter, perhaps. Or make it a moving image. It could be a movie starring YOU.
Play the song louder or pick another one.
Imagine an entire stadium full of people cheering for you.
Imagine even bigger rewards.
Check out your feelings again.
Feel better? Ready to run with your idea?
Practice this technique for a while until you get it just right.
Then we you feel like loafing instead of building your dream, SEE, HEAR AND FEEL your big picture.
Then get to work.
And reap the rewards.
Learn more by writing to Dan at dkaus@sbcglobal.net

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