Tuesday, April 17, 2007


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How to Have Charisma
By Danek S. Kaus

We’ve all seen people who light up a room when they enter it. They draw others to them and at the same time make them feel more alive and energized.

These people have charisma.

“Charisma is a magic quality nobody understands completely. It magnetizes people and makes everybody feel stronger, more powerful, more beautiful and more successful. It’s a kind of magic that pulls people in,” says psychologist Dr. Doe Lang, author of “The New Secrets of Charisma: How to Discover and Unleash Your Hidden Powers.”

One of the most intriguing aspects of charisma is that we all have it.

“It’s part of our birthright,” Lang says. “Many people don’t know they have it and can barely imagine having it.”

The good news is you can develop your own charisma.

“All of us have a secret garden of the heart, which is charisma. “We have it when we resonate with love as an energy and a talent. This is our own best self,” Lang says.

We can generate charisma when we make a difference in other people’s lives.
“To have real charisma is to connect with other people. In order to become more charismatic, first cultivate self-acceptance and then compassion for others, Lang advises.

“Have gratitude for what you have and for what you can do for others,” she says. It gives you a greater sense of authenticity.

If you can truly embrace that and give your gift to other people, nothing can stop your radiance. People will want to be with you and need you.”

Another component of charisma is confidence.

One way to increase confidence is to find out what you are really passionate about and do it.

“A lot of people only think of what they should do and never ask ‘what will give me a big charge?’ Follow your bliss and you bring other people with you,” Lang says.

Composure is another component of charisma. All too often though, our hectic lives create too much stress, which kills charisma.

“When you are stressed, you are so busy monitoring your own lack of composure you can’t tell what other people are feeling,” Lang says.

A great way to become calmer is to slow your breathing.

If you are breathing more than 18 times a minute you are under stress. Also, you are breathing from the top of your lungs, which does not release stress hormones, according to Lang.

When you slow you your breathing to seven times or less, the pineal gland in the brain becomes more active.

“You become more creative and instinctively know what do in a situation. You instinctively know what other people are feeling,” Lang says.

Another stress reducing technique is what Lang calls the Emotion Cooler.

To do this technique, put your thumb on your right nostril. Exhale a long, slow breath. Imagine that you are exhaling a black cloud of negativity. As you inhale, imagine a golden globe of light around you. Slowly inhale that light through your left nostril.

This technique accesses the right side of the brain, which the region of creativity and holistic thinking.

“If you do this 26 times, it will give you a sense of control and puts you into an optimal state,” Lang says.

Another key component of charisma is to become aware of your own value.
When you truly value yourself, others will value you.

“Very often, in this competitive society, people get stuck in comparisons. They are not as rich, as bright or as pretty as someone else. They lose sight of their uniqueness. They feel envious, resentful,“ Lang says. “It is very important to recognize that each of us has our own path and can produce our own destiny.”

So follow your own path. Honor yourself and others, and you will have charisma.

To learn more ways to increase your personal magnetism, buy “The New Secrets of Charisma: How to Discover and Unleash Your Hidden Powers," click
on the link below (Charisma 1).
Charisma 1


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Saturday, April 14, 2007

Newest articles:

Protect Yourself from Identity Theft
Revitalize Your Brain

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Protect Yourself from Identity Theft

The high tech age has created a new form of crime known as identity theft. Basically, identity theft is the use of your name, social security number and other personal information to steal money from you or to commit some other form of fraud.

Identity thieves will open credit card accounts in your name, steal from your bank accounts and ruin your credit rating and reputation. Victims of identity theft have been refused loans, turned down for jobs and in some cases arrested for crimes they didn’t commit.


Identity thieves can gain access to your sensitive personal information in several ways.

They can obtain information from businesses and other institutions, such as schools, by stealing records from their employers, bribing employees to steal it and by hacking into computers.

They can “dumpster dive,” that is, rummage through your trash can or the trash of businesses.

They can use a technique known as “skimming” to steal your credit card number when your card is processed at a store.

They can use their employer’s access to credit reports to get your confidential information. Or, they may contact credit reporting agencies and pose as an employer or landlord.

They steal wallets and purses, which usually contain driver’s licenses, credit and debit cards.

They will steal your mail, looking for bank and credit card statements, tax documents, new checks and offers for pre-approved credit cards.

They steal personal information from your home.




LifeLock Identity Theft Prevention

Protect Yourself

Order a copy of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus.


Equifax www.equifax.com 1-800-685-1111

Experian www.experian.com 1-888-EXPERIAN

Transunion www.transunion.com 1-800-916-8800

If there are no unauthorized activities on your credit reports, there is a good chance that you have not been a victim. Yet. So you must be diligent and cautious about when and how you reveal any information about yourself.

Here are some other steps to take:

Put passwords on your bank accounts, credit cards and phone accounts. It’s best not to use information that can be easily obtained such as your birth date, your mother’s maiden name, the last four digits of your social security number or your phone number

Make sure that all of your personal information in your home is in a secure place, especially if you have roommates or if you have outside people such as contractors or cleaning service staff work in your home.

Do not give out any information over the phone or on the internet unless you are the one who initiated contact and you know who you are dealing with.

When filling out applications, ask how your personal information will be used and secured, and if it will be shared with others. Ask if you can have the info be kept confidential.

Protect your mail. Don’t put outgoing mail in your personal mailbox to be picked up. Instead take it to the post office or drop it in an official mailbox

Buy a shredder. Shred all mail and other pieces of paper that contain personal information before putting it in the garbage. This includes mailing labels on magazines, receipts, insurance forms, doctor’s statements, bank statements, checks and credit card statements. If you aren’t able to obtain a shredder, thoroughly tear up all of these items.

Only give out your Social Security Number(SSN) when absolutely necessary and keep your Social Security card in a safe place. Ask to use other ways to identify yourself. Often, employers and financial institutions will want your SSN for tax reporting purposes so you will probably have to give it to them.

When you leave home, keep on your person only those credit cards and types of identification that you will need with you.

Stay on top of your billing cycles. If your bills don’t arrive on time, contact your credit card companies to see if there has been unauthorized use of your card.



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Sunday, April 01, 2007

Revitalize Your Brain
By Dr. Brian Walsh

Have you ever written an email, and hesitated sending it because you wanted it reviewed first? What if no one else was available to help you? Understanding a little-know aspect of brain functioning will increase your effectiveness at home, work, or school. This is an excerpt from the bestseller, "Unleashing Your Brilliance."

There is a biorhythm operating 24/7 in our body known as the Basic Rest-Activity Cycle (BRAC). While some biological cycles last for many days, the BRAC oscillates consistently at between 90 and 120 minutes.
Rest portion: During this healing response portion of the cycle, there is more right hemispheric electrical activity, a spatial cognitive mode, and a settling down of the autonomic nervous system. Midway through the rest cycle is a trough of about twenty-minutes. This is when many cells of the brain that hold critical messenger molecules, such as adrenaline, are nearing empty. At this point, all the cells in the body are taking time out to replenish, rejuvenate, and rebalance. It is during this part of the cycle that people daydream, and can be most creative.

Active portion: During this peak performance period of the cycle, there is greater electrical activity in the left hemisphere, a verbal cognitive mode, and the autonomic nervous system is in a phase of sympathetic predominance. This means that it is "open for business." Heightened physical activity, mental alertness, and energy means that logic, rationality, and a black and white approach are being exercised.

People who are continuously over-stimulated do not have the opportunity to recharge their internal batteries. The Central Nervous System, having to contend with the ever-constant activity, will suppress the resting period, resulting in exhaustion in the short-term, and burnout in the long-term.
(Continued below)
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To better equip a person in dealing with stress, techniques exist to maximize the resources of each side of the brain. An interesting indicator of which side is dominant at any given time, is to simply breathe in through the nostrils. The nostril that draws in the greater amount of air is a contra-lateral indicator of the dominant side. In other words, if the right nostril draws more air, then the left hemisphere is dominant, indicating that the person is presently in the active part of the cycle. One technique to alter the dominance is uni-nostril forced breathing. In this case, to switch dominance to the right, the person would block the right nostril, and force breathing in and out of the left nostril.

This would be appropriate if someone wanted the right brain active for a brainstorming exercise or any other creative endeavor.

In the long-term, encourage whole-brain activity through specific kinesthetic activities. Examples are cross-lateral physical exercises, and eye pattern movements. You can also enrich inter-hemispheric communication by using your non-dominant hand to hold a cup, or brush your teeth. Drive a new route to and from work. Experiment with your eyes closed, while dressing, or navigating around your home. Do a blind taste-testing of a beverage.

OK. What about writing a letter or email? Here's a great technique to use if you have no one else to proof-read what you've written. Just wait about 30-45 minutes. Let's say that you wrote it during your active (logical) cycle. By reading it just a bit later, you may be in your rest cycle, when you are naturally more creative. This means you could scan for readability, flow, and sensitivity. Of course, if you wrote it in a creative mind, you would want your logical side checking the details for exactness. How great is that?

Bestselling author and international speaker, Brian E. Walsh retired from a 30-year management career to further his earlier interest in NLP and hypnotherapy. He returned to formal study, and within four years had achieved his PhD.
Dr. Walsh regularly conducts workshops and teleclasses on enriched learning. He is a master practitioner of NLP, an acupuncture detoxification specialist, an EFT practitioner, and a clinical hypnotherapist.
His eZine, “Enriched Learning” has subscribers around the world. His most recent release is a 90-miniute DVD of his presentation, “Enriched Learning”. He has also co-authored with John Gray and Jack Canfield in the self-help book, “101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life: Volume 2.”
His websites are http://www.UnleashingBrilliance.com & http://www.Walsh-Seminars.com


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