Many of you may be familiar with the standard rapport techniques, which can help you to create rapport with someone and get them to open up to you and trust you in moments.
These techniques involve matching someone’s body language and tone of voice, as well as matching their preferred mode of thinking (visual, auditory and kinesthetic). If you are not familiar with these rapport techniques, you can read about them and many other powerful persuasion techniques in the book I co-wrote, “Power Persuasion: Using Hypnotic Influence to Win in Life, Love and Business,” (David R. Barron and Danek S. Kaus).
You can link to the Amazon listing here and read the rave reviews on the front and back covers.
Power Persuasion
The Beyond Rapport technique, which we call Power Rapport in the book, is much different. And much, much more powerful.
On several levels this is technique much simpler than other rapport techniques but it's also much more advanced. It works by creating a model that your conscious mind may find reasonable and doable even if it is a bit "out there".
One key to creating rapport is knowing that people like people who are like themselves. And who could be more like someone than themselves?
In this technique you are going to imagine being the other person talking to himself. Here’s how:
1) When you engage in some interaction with another person, imagine that
there is an exact duplicate of him just in front of you facing him.
2) Imagine stepping out of your body and "stepping into" the duplicate and
becoming him. If a third person could participate in this hallucination they
would see the person you're talking to talking to a duplicate of himself!
3) Use all your senses to imagine what it's like as you look through his eyes at himself, hear his own words coming from his mouth and move around in his body.
4) Ask your self several questions as you do this. What does it feel like
to be this gender (if it’s not your own)? How warm is it in this body? What are the
feelings and emotions I'm feeling in this body?
This technique works because it forces your mind to match EVERYTHING in that person’s experience.
When you do this for the first time it can be a bit overwhelming at first. You may even lose sight of your outcome (what you are trying to make happen). Don't worry. Everything you learn here is a skill and with practice you will improve greatly.
WARNING: Be careful who you step into! Would you really want to step into the mind of a paranoid schizophrenic or someone in chronic pain?
So be sure you truly want to create deep rapport before using this technique. If the answer is yes, it can give you some amazing results.