By Danek S. Kaus
Did you know that the way you use your body can lead to success or failure?
It’s true. Our old friend NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) has taken the mind/body connection a step further. NLP shows us that there is a physiology of success. How you sit, stand, walk, etc., can have a major impact on both your self-confidence and your level of competence.
Which direction is your body leading you right now? Here’s how to find out and what to do about it if you don’t like the answer.
First, take a moment to think about your current emotional state. Are you happy, depressed, sad, motivated?
Next, become aware of how you are sitting or standing. If you are reading this article, you are probably sitting at the moment. Are you sitting straight back, with you feet flat on the floor? Are you slouching? Is your breathing deep and healing or shallow and tense?
Whatever position you are in, it is a reflections of your current emotional state. If you want to change what you are feeling/thinking you need to change your physiology. It goes back to the mind/body thing. Your thoughts and emotions affect your body and your body affects your emotions. Change one and you change the other.
Think about what or how you would like to feel. For now, let’s say you want to feel more confident and motivated. Now ask yourself, “How would I sit and breathe if I were extremely confident and motivated?”
“But I don’t know how I would do that,” you might respond.
Yes you do. The inner part of you knows. Just imagine you that your are already thinking and feeling what you want to experience. Go ahead. Pretend you feel that way. Now let your body adjust itself to how it wants to be. Sit, or stand or walk, as though you had the thoughts and feelings you want to a have.
If it’s confidence and motivation, you are probably sitting or standing with your back straight. You might notice your breathing has changed. Your face might be more relaxed. You may even be smiling.
Enjoy your new experience.
Now I’m going to take it away from you. Don’t worry. You can have it back in a moment.
Sit or stand the way your were before you read this article. Notice the difference? Not so good, huh? If you want to recapture how you felt a moment ago, simply change your physiology back to the way you want it to be.
You can use this technique in so many ways. You can create a physiology for learning, working, creating, talking with authority and so on. All you have to do is change into the physiology that matches the mental/emotional state you want to experience.
And then reap the rewards.
Read Power Persuasion: Using Hypnotic Influence to Win in Life, Love and Business by David R. Barron and Danek S. Kaus
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